The Children’s Own School Experience

“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.”

-Maria Montessori

Located in a meticulously renovated Victorian farmhouse in Winchester, MA, we offer children ages 22 months – Kindergarten a nurturing learning environment deeply rooted in the work of Maria Montessori — where a child’s natural curiosity is at the heart of learning. Here, children blossom as they develop strong foundational skills for a lifetime love of learning.

The school’s property includes five classrooms, multipurpose spaces, and three separate playgrounds. Daily outdoor play enhances social emotional growth—problem solving, turn taking, self-control, empathy — and builds large motor skills as children run, climb, swing, jump, and laugh with friends.

Our Programs

Toddler  program
(22 months – 2.8 years)

Primary program
(2.9 years – 6 years)

Fully accredited Kindergarten year
(the final year at COS)

smiling chef - 2024

A Day at Children's Own School

Many parents wonder what their children do all day at school. When will they eat? Are they getting outside? These early years can sometimes be the first time your child is away from home for a longer period of time.

In a Montessori environment, we are aiding children in developing their independence. Our priority is creating an extended “work cycle,”or time when children can be self-directed in their activities.

During this time, your child will receive 1:1 instruction, choose familiar materials to use, and practice getting themselves a snack. We go outside every day. Outdoor play is essential for every child’s development, offers an opportunity to connect with nature, and truly brings joy!

8:30 am Arrival
  • Children head to the classroom and take off outdoor gear and put on indoor shoes. 
8:30 – 11:30 am Morning Work Cycle
  • Activities are in the four curriculum areas: practical life, sensorial, language, and math. 
11:30 am – 12:00 pm Lunch Time / Dismissal for Half-Day Children
  • Lunch for full-day children
  • Children bring their own packed lunches. We are a nut-free school. 
12:00 – 12:30 pm Playground Time
12:30 – 2:30pm Afternoon Work Cycle / Rest
  • Depending on a child’s developmental stage, they may sleep on floor mats after lunch, or they may choose to focus on independent activity. The guide circulates for additional lessons. 
2:30 – 3:00 pm Afternoon Playground Time / Dismissal
3:00 – 5:00 pm After School Program
  • The After School Program typically involves a snack, open-ended activities, and additional time outdoors.

“COS’s Montessori curriculum has not only helped develop skills, but also has made our child more independent.”

— Pavitra and Jithendra

The Montessori Philosophy

In our increasingly busy and distracting world, attention itself has become a commodity. The Montessori teaching philosophy stands apart, creating peace, organization, and resilience in the developing minds of children. While the world has changed significantly since Dr. Montessori began her teaching tradition, the way a child’s mind develops has not.

The Montessori teaching approach was first created by Dr. Maria Montessori, based on her lifetime of work as a doctor and teacher. Dr. Montessori came to the conclusion that the human mind is constructed to organize and learn from the environment. Based on this recognition, she developed a prepared environment carefully designed to support the young child’s absorbent mind and to assist in their complete development.

These key principles that contribute to the success of the Montessori approach are that movement enhances learning. Working together in mixed age groups, children relate to both older and younger peers. The Montessori guide’s observation of the child reveals the proper timing for the introduction of new experiences, attending to the child’s sensitive periods of development. In addition, the classroom experience is built on the desire of the young child to master their environment and the use of self-correcting materials.  These materials allow the child to manipulate and explore at their own pace.

The COS Community

“The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.”  – Maria Montessori

Parents are the child’s first and most important teachers.  Strong communication between home and school is critical.  Families are invited to observe our classrooms throughout the year. We hold conferences twice a year to discuss the overall development of your child, though teachers are always available to meet in person or talk on the phone.

Our active Parent Committee works to build relationships between families through social gatherings and fundraising. The Parent Committee provides funds each year to advance the good work of the school and support scholarship funding.

The School's History

“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.”

– Maria Montessori

Children’s Own School was founded in 1942 by Dorothy Sprague Gove as a small, private preschool for children between the ages of 2.5 and 6 years based on the Montessori principles of education. It was incorporated in 1947, and it is the oldest Montessori school in New England. 

Children’s Own School occupies the former Russell Farm at 86 Main Street.  The property includes an historic victorian farmhouse with a new multi-level addition.  Our three playgrounds provide ample outdoor space for children to garden, rake, shovel snow, swing, climb, slide, and play.